Reward Offered
Reward Offered takes you on a deep dive into unsolved Australian cases with financial rewards on offer. We don't just examine each crime but also the unique aspects that inform each case. Our goal is to expand community awareness of these crimes & offer accurate, thorough, informative coverage. If you know something, say something. How much is your information worth?
Reward Offered
004. Murder at Murphy's Creek: Lorraine Wilson & Wendy Evans - Part 4
Part 4 of 4
Welcome to Episode 4! We hope you've been enjoying the deep dive into the Murphy's Creek Murders. This is our last episode on the case (at least for the moment) and we certainly aren't sneaking quietly out the back door. Today we'll get into the real head scratching elements of the official narrative and discuss information directly from sources close to the case, which only seems to raise more queries as we work to answer the question, "What is going on here?"
By the end of today's episode we will have covered every piece of publicly known information that I was able to track down on the case.
After considering all the evidence for yourself ... where do you stand?
Time for one last dive on this one!
If you, or someone you know, has information pertaining to the murders of Lorraine Wilson & Wendy Evans, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
CASE AUTHORITY: Homicide Investigation Group, Brisbane. Ph (07) 3364 6122.
Reward Poster: (as at 1 July 2021)
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Theme Music:
Fearless First Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License